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2018-2019 Undergraduate & Graduate Catalog

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Secondary Teacher Certification (General Education)

Michigan Secondary Standard Teaching Certification allows the holder to teach subject area majors and minors in the sixth through twelfth grades. Visual arts, music, and physical education are endorsed K-12 in their major. In addition to degree requirements, candidates must complete the teaching major, teaching minor, and the education major program.

1. Teaching Major - Secondary Certification

The 15 areas approved by the State of Michigan at Grand Valley are listed as follows. Specific requirements are outlined in this catalog and must be planned with the student's teaching major advisor.

Humanities: visual arts K-12, English, French, German, Latin, Spanish, music K-12.
Science and Mathematics: biology, chemistry, earth/space science, mathematics, physical education K-12, physics.
Social Sciences: history, social studies.


2. Requirements for Teaching Minor - Secondary Certification

The 17 areas approved by the State of Michigan are listed below. Specific requirements are outlined in this catalog and must be planned with the student's advisor. Music majors should consult with their advisors for minor requirements.

Humanities: English, French, German, Spanish.
Science and Mathematics: biology, chemistry, computer science, earth/space science, school health education, mathematics, physical education, physics.
Social Sciences: economics, geography, history, political science, psychology.

Note: Students who have declared or completed a teaching major and minor in a science discipline may complete additional courses for an integrated science secondary endorsement. The Michigan Department of Education will allow teachers with the integrated science secondary endorsement to teach biology, chemistry, Earth science, and physics at the secondary level. Refer to the science section of this catalog for details.

3. Requirements for the Education Major Program - Secondary Education

Candidates must complete the following 39-credit education major. At least one field semester must be done in a multicultural setting.

Prior to admission to undergraduate teacher education:

Course 1 - This course is taken before OR after admission to the College of Education. It must be completed before student teaching.

Course 2 - This course is taken after admission to the College of Education. It must be completed before student teaching.

Teacher assisting semester:

Student teaching semester:

(may be taken after EDI 431 but before certification.)

If you are in need of assistance please submit any questions or comments.